checking in on <
# general
checking in on arurerm provider update - is this something we can ever do on our own by running the tfgen tools? or will we always have to wait for a pulumi update?
The crux of the issue here is that the interaction between
(which the upstream terraform provider uses to manage dependencies) and
(which Pulumi uses to manage dependencies) makes it hard to ingest updates from upstream. Ideally we'd have an automated process to do this, but the problem is that every-time we've gone to do this we've had to have manual intervention to get something that works. @stocky-spoon-28903 Is going to start looking at how we can actually stop having this class of problems, but for now the problem is basically that we can't take in new code from upstream so we can't run tfgen over it. The problem is that tfgen and tfbrdige don't work on the terraform provider binary. Instead, we need the correct set of terraform sources (plus dependencies) as well as some pulumi sources to both build tfgen and the pulumi version of the provider and getting a consistent set of sources is not easy.
Hmm.. alrighty. i've spent the last couple weeks working on my first pulumi project, and ran into this issue of the dataActions not being available right at the end. Which means my project is on hold till it get resolved.. I realize it's not easy, but it's unfortunate timing as this is essentially an evaluation period. I'll do my best to keep the boss's attention elsewhere for the time being. Seems like the incorporation of updated providers into pulumi is definitely an area that should be as frictionless as possible. The issue is marked milestone .18, is that the next milestone?
First, let me sincerely apologize for this. This is a high priority for us and I'm going to check with the team to see if we can get you to success here quickly. I really really appreciate your patience.
Thanks Joe, trust me I get the fact it's not easy. You guys have built an amazing platform. I really want to use it and have it become our successor to terraform for our company. Hopefully we can get there!
👍 1
🚀 1
@brave-angle-33257 Luke has (once again!) delivered for 134
awesome!!! i'm currently in convo with the boss he just asked about it, that's fantastic
like 2 min ago
thanks again everyone for pushing to get this update out. We had some "how do we move to the next gen" talks today and Pulumi featured pretty heavily in those talks, so the timing was great. I believe we'd be interested to learn more about the upcoming Enterprise additions to the system, the authorization to certain members to run stacks is of interest for sure. Also, my boss is super paranoid and wants to know more about how we can work around any Pulumi outages. I told him that we don't want to run local state because of so many positives from the Cloud backend.. but is there any docs on some disaster recovery type situations? I was thinking we could have our automations deploy using standard cloud backend but then maybe export the state file and save it in a versioned object store after each deploy. Is that a feasible failsafe?
I was thinking we could have our automations deploy using standard cloud backend but then maybe export the state file and save it in a versioned object store after each deploy. Is that a feasible failsafe?
That would work. We do something similar for our key services where after an update we export the checkpoint and store it in a seperate versioned S3. In the disaster recovery case we'd pull down the checkpoint from the bucket, use
pulumi login --local
to connect to the local backend and then pulumi stack import.
awesome, good to know 👍 i'll float that idea then