aws kinesis data analytics support seems to be mis...
# general
aws kinesis data analytics support seems to be missing though I see the terraform provider seems to support it, any idea when that is likely to get added?
I believe the Terraform AWS provider does not yet support this yet - see Where were you seeing it?
yeah I was looking at that, I saw that #5461 got merged which seems to have an implementation (but was only a quick browse)
further, what would be the recommendation to do this while its unsupported, I couldn’t see any examples of hooking into cloudformation to do something like this:
Yes - CloudFormation is a useful escape hatch that is available when something is not yet mapped in Terraform/Pulumi. See for an example of using a small snippet of CloudFormation from within a larger Pulumi program.
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Note - per it looks like 5461 did not actually add support here.
luke does azure have a similar situation for template with ARM usage?
that might solve my issue with needing the new TF azure provider for a single resource type not yet included
Yes it does - see There are some gotchas due to slightly odd way that ARM template deployments behave around deletion (see note at link above) - but I've worked with several folks who have used this as an escape hatch.
awesome, i'll take a look, ty... i need it for a single role definition so it might work well
aight, yea that works.. the template supports the dataActions params, but since the resources aren't tracked means we'd have to go in and manually remove the role(s) if we update it.. might need one in each region