What does this mean?
# general
What does this mean?
error: could not find plugin for provider 'urn:pulumi:production::rawkodes-modern-life::pulumi:providers:gcp::default'
My stack is in a rather weird state. A disk has gone missing from GCP, after updating an instance template.
I get this error when I run refresh and it wants to delete the disk from the state
Could be related to https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/2076. @microscopic-florist-22719 we’ve seen a few instances of this over the past few days. Can you help out here?
https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/2067 is another way to hit the same error. Not sure what case you’re falling into here @quiet-wolf-18467.
@quiet-wolf-18467 if you can DM me your checkpoint file (
pulumi stack export >checkpoint.json
), I can take a closer look. My best guess is that this is a version-related issue similar to those mentioned by @bitter-oil-46081.
Is this file safe to gist, or should it be kept private?
it should be kept private.