therefore, when the calling script calls this file...
# general
therefore, when the calling script calls this file.... it will run the loop?
Yep - as long as you import this file, all the code in it will run.
Programming is confusing lol 🙂
Programming is hard 🙂
well it's very confusing for me... :-$
There’s actually a small gotcha in TypeScript. When you import something like this:
import something from './something'
but don’t actually use any of the imported symbols in the file where you import it (i.e. in this case the symbol is
) or you’re only importing a type, but not a value, the generated runtime code will not load the module, even if you have specified the import. This is kind of an implicit dead code / unused import removal. If you want to import a file just for it’s side-effects, without using any of it’s exported symbols, you have to write simply:
import './something'
. This will always load the module. Here’s a bit more info on that behaviour:
👍 2