I'm trying out some typescript for creating an EKS...
# general
I'm trying out some typescript for creating an EKS cluster using the
. I can't figure out what the
should look like and keep getting this erorr:
Copy code
let cluster = new aws.eks.Cluster(environment+"-eks-cluster", {
    roleArn     : clusterRole.arn,
    vpcConfig   : {
        vpcId             : config.require("vpc-id"),
        subnetIds         : vpcSubnetIds,
        securityGroupIds  : [clusterSecurityGroup.id],
Copy code
aws:eks:Cluster (online-sandbox-pulumi-poc-eks-cluster):
    error: aws:eks/cluster:Cluster resource 'online-sandbox-pulumi-poc-eks-cluster' has a problem: "vpc_config.0.vpc_id": this field cannot be set
What am I doing wrong?