Hi all, has anybody used pulumi to create kubernet...
# general
Hi all, has anybody used pulumi to create kubernetes clusters for anything beyond POC (production ?) ?
@boundless-room-36997 there are people in various stages of prod maturity, though of course both Pulumi and Kubernetes are young. It sounds like you might have a specific question about operational expertise?
@creamy-potato-29402 yes, you are right. My questions are about its stability and operability. Marketing is one thing but real life scenario another. You know what I mean 😉
@boundless-room-36997 It’s hard to speak generally about stability and operability, but I believe our Kubernetes support is about as good as you can expect for Kubernetes tools generally.
Do you have specific concerns I can speak more to?
Not really. I’d like to hear from people who uses it in real life scenarios. That is all.
I'm using pulumi-kubernetes for several projects in prod, but I'm still using kops to setup the clusters themselves.
Mostly because the clusters were already setup with kops and EKS has it's own quirks.
Hi @important-jackal-88836 can I ask what do you use pulumi for ? What kind of projects do you use it for ?
@boundless-room-36997, dev, staging, and prod kubernetes stacks on aws that run corp blogs on Wordpress containers, a bloated Meteor app with some very special needs, some new GraphQL data services on a Prisma stack, new static frontend served from IPFS, gitlab runners on the dev cluster.
so actually you use kops to create k8s cluster and software stack above with pulumi ?
@important-jackal-88836 ^^^
Yeah, but in the future I'll probably replace the kops with Pulumi and EKS. If you're not tied to AWS, Pulumi with GKE would probably be best
@important-jackal-88836 have you used other soft for provisioning like Terraform ? If so can you compare please ?
I have used Terraform but it's a hassle to get it to do exactly what you want. You are confined by the Terraform language. The configs can end up very verbose and repetitive and it's just another domain specific templating language to learn. Why not use a real programming language? I guess it's geared towards people who are more used to dealing with config files instead of code. Otherwise the whole declarative model with managed lifecycle is great, and Pulumi borrows all of that. The same things happens when you use Kubernetes yaml directly as iac. It ends up being a pretty insane mess of yaml templates. You'll need at least another layer of abstraction on top to manage it, like helm, but then you're still only limited what's going on in the cluster, not the cluster itself or any other cloud services with which you want to integrate.
Thanks @important-jackal-88836 - that is very interesting 🙂