I created a stack at work, where I'm using linux a...
# general
I created a stack at work, where I'm using linux and now I'm tried to update that stack at home, where I'm using windows, pulumi tries to replace all the resource, because it thinks they changed, but checking the diff, the only difference is the line endings. The state stored in pulumi cloud, not locally. My git config has "core.autocrlf=true" setting, but I assume it shouldn't be a problem, because the strings in the state file are generated by pulumi. I'm using pulumi version 0.16.1 on both machines with typescript. What should I set to get a correct state between different platforms?
Were these resources created from a Helm chart? What is the resource type of the resource that saw the change you pasted above? This should not be related to the state file itself - but may be related to strings generated on the client machine and stored in the state file. Cc @creamy-potato-29402
it just a part of it, for an example, a lot of the resorces changed, I just checked a few and that's where I saw the line ending difference
Here's the preview link which show this, I assume you can look at it: https://app.pulumi.com/ncsibra/dev/previews/fdcaeb2f-a1b5-4302-a06a-476a0ee211ed
I hope I didn't leave any uncommitted change, but I will check tomorrow at work
@cold-coat-35200 I actually can’t see this.
Can you please take a screenshot?
I agree with luke that it is conceivable that the component resource registers as changed, but I would find it quite odd if it caused the child resources to register as changed.
I didn't left any uncommitted changes and after first look it's not clear what caused the change, an inline diff would be really helpful, instead of a deleted/added look 🙂
Okay - yeah - looks like the primary issue is the yaml.ConfigGroup yaml property containing platform-dependent new lines. @creamy-potato-29402 want to open a bug in that? I can’t quite tell if there are other similar issues in Pulumi-eks or other parts of the system as well here. Cc @microscopic-florist-22719
@white-balloon-205 yes.
I’ll do it now.
thanks 🙂