Following the install of a kubernetes cluster I'd ...
# general
Following the install of a kubernetes cluster I'd like to automate deployment of a few helm charts. The charts are hosted in a private helm repo hosted in S3 that I normally access with
helm repo add my-repo <s3://my-helm-repo/charts>
. Given the example service deployment (copied below) how do I specify custom repo endpoints using the S3 plugin?
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// Sample copied from <>

// Deploy the latest version of the stable/wordpress chart.
const wordpress = new k8s.helm.v2.Chart("wpdev", {
    repo: "stable",
    version: "2.1.3",
    chart: "wordpress"
@early-musician-41645 this is a thing I did not know you could do 🙂
There's a Helm S3 plugin that allows accessing an s3-based chart repo
@early-musician-41645 I’ll file an issue and fix this release.
There's a chance that this just works if you configure the repo before running Pulumi
oh oh
it’s a plugin
ah, good point... so Pulumi is using the local Helm, right?
If that's the case then I can just do the
helm repo add
before calling
pulumi up
. I'll try it out
hmm, not sure how we should handle plugins….
Question is - how do I reference the repo in the code? Normally I do the command I have above, but then to reference the repo/package I do
helm install my-repo/my-chart
So in the example, can I just do
repo: my-repo/my-chart
{repo: "my-repo", chart: "my-chart"}
the opts have a field for repo
do you have the link to the opts code?
does it support tiller-namespace and namespace?
and also, how to pass in values overrides, e.g.
hmmm... specifically I want to pass in a file for values, e.g.
--values $filepath
@early-musician-41645 you mean from shell?
I’m not sure I understand.
Typically I pass in values by giving a filepath. Here's a more complete example of things I need to do:
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cmd="helm upgrade -i backgrounder $HELM_REPO/backgrounder \
      --tiller-namespace $namespace \
      --namespace $namespace \
      --values $podsettings_file \
      --set global.podSettings.podSettingsVersion=$configuration_version \
      --set images.tag=$service_version
      --set-string global.source.commit=$CI_COMMIT_SHA \
      --set-string global.source.repo=$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG \
      --set-string global.deploymentId=$deployment_id"
So the
is handles by the
field in the pulumi code, but how to pass in a filepath instead?
Also, same question about setting the
And then the followup - how do I install tiller into a specific namespace?
@early-musician-41645 we pick up the default values file, but not a custom file
if I understand correctly what
does… we don’t actually use tiller at all, so I think this flag is meaningless to us?
You use helm without Tiller?
Does that work?
we are basically equivalent to
helm template
It works for the vast marjority of charts.
but, anyway, Helm 3 won’t have tiller so we’re consistent with where Helm is going.
The scenario I have is that we have some services with LOTS of environment-specific configuration, and we have lots of environments, and lots of services. When deploying a service I download a config, specific to an environment, and versioned, and then feed that into the helm command via
that makes sense, and that should be doable with Pulumi too
We model environments using namespaces. And to track services running in a single namespace we deploy tiller into that one namespace
Hence the need to
If there's a better practice then I'm open to it
@early-musician-41645 for using Helm, I’m not sure there is
that’s a super interesting use case
the way Pulumi works, we basically run
helm template
and apply the result.
basically specifies which namespace tiller resides in, right? but it still has access to probably the entire cluster?
unless you configured it differently
Okay, I may be able to work around this by forming the
from a file input and injecting them at runtime
I've configured each tiller to use a service account specific to the namespace
so it's restricted
So the “Pulumi way” is that you should parameterize your app on namespaces. This is somewhat different from the Helm way.
this is hard with Helm. It’s easier with Pulumi.
Yeah, unfortunately that's not an option. The "environment" is the top-level resource in our deployments, not the app. It's because we are deploying a distributed-monolith where apps must be deployed together...
We have something like 40 sandbox "environments", isolated by namespace, and each environment has something like 20 apps
hmm, not sure I understand. you’re trying to deploy the application to a specific namespace based on where tiller is located?
I'm trying to deploy the app to a namespace based on need. E.g. we need Foo app, upgraded to v123, in the Bar environment. We've added another layer of isolation by running a tiller instance in each environment to track that environment's deployments
I’ve got to go, but I’ll be back in a bit
@early-musician-41645 so, getting back to this, I’m not sure yet whether we’ll ever support tiller.
Using tiller precludes getting the per-resource CLI/CI experience that I think of when I think of Pulumi Kubernetes integration…
In other words I’m not sure what value Pulumi adds if you are using Tiller.
I’m happy to change my mind about this though if there is something I’m missing…
In terms of scenarios for locking down access to the kubernetes cluster, what's the model for Pulumi? Here's a for-instance: In that article the namespaces are controlled with service accounts and tiller is installed under that service account to enable RBAC control, e.g. devs are only allowed to deploy via the "dev" service account which grants access to tiller in a set of namespaces, but admins can also deploy to kube-system, etc. Via Pulumi, how can I set up that type of RBAC control for deployments?
@early-musician-41645 Pulumi uses the official kubernetes client under the covers … so the story is basically identical to however you would do this with
Probably you’d have a service account allocated for various roles (e.g., CI/CD, admin, whatever), and the access for those SAs would be defined by a set of RBAC definitions.
Managing RBAC with Pulumi is very natural in this sense — you don’t need to do anything out of the ordinary because Pulumi is just a normal Kubernetes client.
Thanks for explaining it. That makes sense. I'll discuss with my team about it to see what we can work with. Is there a doc or link detailing best practices or examples of typical setups like this with Pulumi?
@early-musician-41645 there’s a bug here:
It’s slated for the next couple of weeks.
Okay, that works