<@UBAJ7TD53> did you recently change something abo...
# general
@creamy-potato-29402 did you recently change something about the deployment order / concurrency in pulumi-kubernetes? I’m somehow suddenly seeing really slow creation of a particular stack which contains about 10 ComponentResources with each 1 service, 1 deployment and one dockerfile. Somehow pulumi creates the
one-by-one instead of concurrently. I’m not sure if this previously also the case, but I guess not. Versions: pulumi CLI 0.16.1 ,
@pulumi/pulumi: 0.16.2
@pulumi/kubernetes: 0.17.3
ok, maybe that was a false alarm. After deleting the whole stack and creating it from scratch once more it’s faster - weird?. I think in my previous run (which was slow) most of the stack failed to create on the first attempt because of some docker build issues. After fixing those initial docker issues and running
pulumi up
pulumi updated the deployments and services sequentially for some reason.
Possible that you could also have been running into https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/2108.
@glamorous-printer-66548 that is probably a bug that we’re working on.
It’s an issue in the core engine.