We had a thread about how a helm-chart I'm install...
# general
We had a thread about how a helm-chart I'm installing fails because it's trying to install something that already exists, e.g. ServiceAccount named
. I thought that it was managed outside the pulumi stack and raising the error, but that's not the case. I've now confirmed that it's failing even if the entire stack is managed by Pulumi. I first destroyed all the resources, then I
pulumi up
which creates an EKS cluster and a helm chart. The helm chart has a ServiceAccount and it fails with this:
Copy code
  kubernetes:core:ServiceAccount (kube-system/aws-node):
    error: Plan apply failed: serviceaccounts "aws-node" already exists
The expected behavior is that the existing ServiceAccount would not raise an error and instead would get treated as a no-op.
@early-musician-41645 Sorry, I’m confused… you did not delete that SA, right? And so the chart is trying to bring it up, but it can’t because it already exists?
The new EKS cluster creates the SA initially. After cluster creation I see Pulumi trying to create the helm chart resources. At that point
pulumi up
throws an error.
which helm chart? Ours or yours?
I'm using
new eks.Cluster
. One of the things created by that is the SA
I'm then trying to deploy my own Helm chart which also declares the same SA, but meant as an upgrade, install if it doesn't exist
This is a use case I had not considered.
I'm basically trying to manage EKS resources that are already created, but need to be tweaked.
It might be worth having an idea of “overlays”
e.g. the CNI plugin
Right, right.
So the way to do this normally would be the transforms API.
overlays, or support an "upgrade" flag on the helm provider
@microscopic-florist-22719 did we ever implement that?
I don’t see it in the API.
did we ever implement which? injecting resources?
transforms on the EKS library
@early-musician-41645 wants to mutate the EKS kube resources, basically.
we have not implemented any support for something like this, no. I'm working on decomposing the EKS library a bit s.t. things like this are easier to do
@early-musician-41645 at a high level do you think it is a problem to change the kube resources when the EKS cluster is built?
rather than later?
All I want to do is set the WARM_IP_TARGET for the CNI plugin: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/cni-env-vars.html Currently I do it by upgrading the DaemonSet using the default EKS aws-k8s-cni helm chart with a modified value to set the WARM_IP_TARGET. I.e. it's happening after cluster creation. If I could skip all that and just assign a value during cluster creation then that would be a better solution
I literally take a copy of this: https://github.com/aws/amazon-vpc-cni-k8s/blob/master/config/v1.1/aws-k8s-cni.yaml And I add a new env var for
and deploy it after the cluster is created. I'm trying to add that chart as part of the Pulumi project but it's failing with no particular workaround I can find other than deploying it outside the Pulumi stack
to be a bit more concrete w.r.t. what I'm thinking here
I am currently teasing the EKS cluster, the worker pool, and the k8s resources out into separate components
so you could create the EKS cluster itself, then apply extra k8s resources (e.g. the cni chart referenced above), then create the worker pool, then deploy the dashboard
does that sound like it will work for you @early-musician-41645?
It sounds like it could work, but as far as user experience it's not ideal. I'd rather just pass in a bunch of
to the
new eks.Cluster
that I'm already using.
I'm using the
to avoid getting into the weeds of cluster and worker group creation. There's just a small change I need for the CNI plugin that I want to orchestrate along with cluster creation
that's good feedback. just to make sure we're on the same page, here's the experience I'm working on:
Copy code
// create the EKS cluster and its other core resources
const core = new eks.Core(...);
// deploy additional k8s resources
// create the EKS worker pool
const workers = new eks.WorkerPool(...);
// deploy the k8s dashboard
const dashboard = new eks.Dashboard(...);
I will look more closely at the CNI bits and see if there's something higher-level we can do there
I think it's a legit way to structure things, i.e. ask clients to be explicit and break down resource creation if there are customizations required. If that's the workflow then I'd expect to pass in some
to one of those (the WorkerPool?)
As a workaround - I can
kubectl apply -f aws-k8s-cni.yaml
and that solve the issue. Is there an equivalent to
kubectl apply
from a local file I can use with Pulumi?
got it. my expectation with that approach was that you would set up the CNI bits manually before booting the workers (i.e. where it says
// deploy additional k8s resources
), but from what you've described I think that we can do better here
x-posted on the #general
Is there an equivalent to
kubectl apply
from a local file I can use with Pulumi?
I'll defer to @creamy-potato-29402 on that. I don't believe that we have something with identical semantics, but he's the expert.
Otherwise I'll just have to run a bunch of commands in one project, wait for it to finish and run my
kubectl apply
, and then update a 2nd project
you could also shell out to
from within Pulumi
Just to clarify so I answer correctly 🙂 Do you want to deploy a Kubernetes config file from within Pulumi? Or are you looking to deploy a Pulumi program with a
pulumi up
command that works like
apply -f $path_to_file
you could also shell out to
from within Pulumi
That shouldn't be necessary.
From a Pulumi program, you can say:
@big-piano-35669 IIUC it is currently necessary if the resource already exists
otherwise we'll try and fail to create it
Ideally every resource is owned entirely within Pulumi. The CNI value overrides aren't implemented yet, so as a workaround I update the stack and then on the command line (i.e. outside Pulumi) I run
kubectl apply
. I'd love to do with inside.
yeah, this is all due to the resource already existing as part of the
new eks.Cluster
Copy code
const k = new k8s.ConfigFile(
    "foo", { file: "config/foo.yml" });
to deploy a single Kubernetes YAML file, or
Copy code
const ks = new k8s.ConfigGroup(
    "foos", { files: "config/*.yaml" });
to deploy a collection of them.
The SA in k8s is created but not tracked as a Pulumi resource
Copy code
const cni = new k8s.ConfigFile("aws-k8s-cni", { file: "aws-k8s-cni.yaml", });
Copy code
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (eks-cluster-online-vnext-10az):
    error: Running program '/home/tsi.lan/eshamay/git/mustang/sdp-mustang-terraform/pulumi/eks-cluster' failed with an unhandled exception:
    error: TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
    index.ts(89,21): error TS2339: Property 'ConfigFile' does not exist on type 'typeof import("/home/tsi.lan/eshamay/git/mustang/sdp-mustang-terraform/pulumi/eks-cluster/node_modules/@pulumi/kubernetes/index")'.

        at createTSError (/home/tsi.lan/eshamay/git/mustang/sdp-mustang-terraform/pulumi/eks-cluster/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:261:12)
        at getOutput (/home/tsi.lan/eshamay/git/mustang/sdp-mustang-terraform/pulumi/eks-cluster/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:367:40)
        at Object.compile (/home/tsi.lan/eshamay/git/mustang/sdp-mustang-terraform/pulumi/eks-cluster/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:558:11)
        at Module.m._compile (/home/tsi.lan/eshamay/git/mustang/sdp-mustang-terraform/pulumi/eks-cluster/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:439:43)
        at Module._extensions..js (module.js:586:10)
        at Object.require.extensions.(anonymous function) [as .ts] (/home/tsi.lan/eshamay/git/mustang/sdp-mustang-terraform/pulumi/eks-cluster/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:442:12)
        at Module.load (module.js:494:32)
        at tryModuleLoad (module.js:453:12)
        at Function.Module._load (module.js:445:3)
        at Module.require (module.js:504:17)
    error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 1
Is this in 0.16.1?
@big-piano-35669 yeah that won’t work, because the resource already exists, I think.
kubectl apply -f aws-k8s-cni.yaml
does work, and it reports things as
As long as Pulumi is calling
under the hood, I'd expect similar results
the simplest hackiest thing to do is to shell out for now… I think the plan is that @microscopic-florist-22719 is going to expose more stuff so we have a cleaner answer to this? (I only skimmed the thread.)
Pulumi uses the Kubernetes Go client under the hood.
If you’re not going through the official declarative Pulumi API, these changes would not be reported in
Also you have to be careful — shelling out will execute that
every time you
pulumi up
We really should just make the EKS SDK work for you. 🙂
okay, agreed 😉
Do you know why I'd hit this error?
Copy code
error: TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
    index.ts(89,21): error TS2339: Property 'ConfigFile' does not exist on type 'typeof import("/home/tsi.lan/eshamay/git/mustang/sdp-mustang-terraform/pulumi/eks-cluster/node_modules/@pulumi/kubernetes/index")'.
This is the offending code:
const cni = new k8s.ConfigFile("aws-k8s-cni", { file: "aws-k8s-cni.yaml", });
here should refer to
the EKS package doesn’t contain that API.
yeah I have this:
import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes";
okay, that just confirms I can't do that method either because the resources already exist... 😞 I'll have to shell out for now.
@early-musician-41645 we’re conferring internally about how we can resolve this.
one second…
I have a workaround for now, so it's not urgent. But will be once we're ready to send a few things out to other teams
@early-musician-41645 it’s urgent to me. 🙂
👍 thanks
@early-musician-41645 @microscopic-florist-22719’s plan, I believe, is to solve the problem for you now; in the next-few-weeks timeframe we’re probably going to solve this with creation hooks: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/1691
and the permanent solution is probably to support some notion of “overlays” in kubernetes at the very least. I’m filing an issue now and will follow up.
awesome! Thanks for the effort on this. It's not mission critical at the moment, but I think that it's likely going to be a use-case that comes up in the future
While you're here, I'm curious on one bit: Would you have expected Pulumi to automatically tolerate the existence of a resource, more like
apply -f
? Or do you prefer an opt-in mechanism? Or just keep doing what we do now?
I’m also curious to know what sort of options you’d expect related to CNI: I’m not yet familiar with it, so I’m not sure what to expose.
I expected that since Pulumi created the
ServiceAccount (i.e. via the EKS cluster and worker group) then it should tolerate the request to create it again, e.g. as an unchanged resource
very much like
kubectl apply
would handle it. It would just report
@microscopic-florist-22719 These should probably be exposed in some form: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/cni-env-vars.html
👍 1
I’ve written up some thoughts on how we’d allow for a more
kubectl apply
-ish model here.
That’s the longer-term question I was talking about.
I'm not sure I totally follow the wording on this:
the general problem of patching system resources that you didn't create.
The original issue arose because of the
SA. I did create the SA because I did a
new eks.Cluster
. Does that fall into "resources that you didn't create"?
Basically, I’m saying that every kube-as-a-service provider gives you some number of things that are “part of the system”, like the dashboard, SAs, etc.
It is useful to be able to change those out-of-band.
Okay, yes, agreed
Ok, we have a short, medium, and long term solution. I believe @microscopic-florist-22719 is planning to deliver short-term in a day or two. Does this match up with what you’re expecting?
yes, thanks a lot!
bother us if something else doesn’t work 🙂