hi, is "pulumi config" ablet to handle nested keys...
# general
hi, is "pulumi config" ablet to handle nested keys, like
foo:bar:hello: "world"
? as far as I see it can't, only simple keys, like
foo:bar: "world"
config data is unstructured text.
is the key here.
oh wait, no, I might be lying to you.
anyway, I don’t think we do support nested keys, no
ok, thanks
It’s common to use JSON values and then
from code to parse the raw JSON string into value.
that's still not ideal, out of curiosity, why pulumi using this simple configuration instead of some more robust, like yaml(especially because config values saved in a yaml)?
Definitely agreed that it's not ideal. The original motivation was that this was designed to be CLI-driven:
pulumi config set key value
. It makes sense to think about values as strings in this context. But over time this ended up getting stored in a
that looks (and is!) very hand-editable - and in fact, it's often easier to just author config directly in the file than using the CLI. Once this is in YAML/JSON, it's of course silly to be treating values as strings. We've been wanting to revisit this as part of a larger re-design of config - there's some thinking on this in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/1052.
good to know, thanks