I seem to be repeatedly getting the error: "error:...
# general
I seem to be repeatedly getting the error: "error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 1 error: an error occurred while advancing the preview" The little exclamation mark sign in the activity log says "Uncommitted changes were present at the time of this update". But I've committed all changes and I've tried all the things in the troubleshooting guide with no success. Any suggestions?
Is there any other context provided in the error message? Is it just for this one stack, or are you seeing this for multiple stacks? Were you able to deploy at all on this stack previously, or have you always seen this error on your machine?
That's all the context I can find. I haven't tried it on another stack as it is the only stack on this machine. But I can create a dummy one if it will help. I have been able to deploy this stack previously as recently as a week ago.
Only other ideas I've had were maybe the stack is also initiated on another machine and it doesn't like it. Or someone has made an uncommitted edit to the branch on another machine and not told me about it. But they seem like strange reasons to block a deployment.
The error you are seeing suggests there is a crash in the engine or in your Pulumi program. That said, in any normal case, I would expect some other error to bubble up and be reported. If you can share any more details on the stack or you Pulumi code with me in DM, I’d love to track down what the issue is here.
For anyone else in future with this problem the issue was https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/1606 . I had forgotten to activate the virtual env with the python dependencies but was getting a misdirecting error message which will be fixed by an upcoming release.