i've got a really strange thing with a kube CRD wh...
# general
i've got a really strange thing with a kube CRD where kubectl get doesn't list it, pulumi's convinced it doesnt exist.. but when pulumi tries to create it it's erroring because it apparently already exists.
If you have a repro I can fix it pretty quick
hi, i'm not even really sure where it's going wrong
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kubectl get azureidentities --all-names
NAMESPACE   NAME              AGE
default     test-webapp-msi   4d
its not listed there
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2018-11-12T16:16:04.2768801Z  +  kubernetes:<http://aadpodidentity.k8s.io:AzureIdentity|aadpodidentity.k8s.io:AzureIdentity> terminal-services creating
that's from the pulumi preview
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2018-11-12T16:16:04.2774804Z  +  kubernetes:<http://aadpodidentity.k8s.io:AzureIdentity|aadpodidentity.k8s.io:AzureIdentity> terminal-services creating error: Plan apply failed: <http://azureidentities.aadpodidentity.k8s.io|azureidentities.aadpodidentity.k8s.io> "terminal-services" already exists
2018-11-12T16:16:04.2775474Z  +  kubernetes:<http://aadpodidentity.k8s.io:AzureIdentity|aadpodidentity.k8s.io:AzureIdentity> terminal-services **creating failed** error: Plan apply failed: <http://azureidentities.aadpodidentity.k8s.io|azureidentities.aadpodidentity.k8s.io> "terminal-services" already exists
the test-webapp-msi exists in the state file, terminal-services doesn't
very confusing
Yeah that sounds annoying. I've never encountered this issue so it's going to be hard to say what what's having unless I can reproduce it.