I’m having trouble with pulumi advancing past k8s ...
# general
I’m having trouble with pulumi advancing past k8s ingress creation, the ingress is created and the url works fine but pulumi times out polling for the resource.
Hmm, I just wrote a program this morning using Ingress, and didn't see problems like that. Can you provide more details on what's failing?
The output from pulumi was:
Plan apply failed: Timeout occurred polling for 'yii-app-ingress-ld9v9b0p'
Did the Ingress resource get created on your k8s cluster?
The create command was:
Copy code
+ kubernetes:extensions/v1beta1:Ingress: (create)
            apiVersion: "extensions/v1beta1"
            kind      : "Ingress"
            metadata  : {
                annotations: {
                    <http://kubernetes.io/ingress.class|kubernetes.io/ingress.class>: "traefik"
                    <http://pulumi.com/autonamed|pulumi.com/autonamed>       : "true"
                labels     : {
                    app: "yii-app"
                name       : "yii-app-ingress-ld9v9b0p"
                namespace  : "pulumi-development-v0sxv5nu"
            spec      : {
                rules: [
                    [0]: {
                        host: "pulumi.development.***.***"
                        http: {
                            paths: [
                                [0]: {
                                    backend: {
                                        serviceName: "yii-app-gqoxppqs"
                                        servicePort: "http"
                                    path   : "/"
Yes it did I’m able to pull up the URL and browse around the deployed app no problem
Just double checked to make sure that’s the only ingress with the host name
Can you try running
pulumi refresh
and see if that fixes it?
Looks like it thinks the resource has not been created and is now making a duplicate copy of the ingress
That’s post refresh
Hmm, sounds like a bug. Can you open a issue with details on https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/issues
Sure thing
👍 1