hi, ive a a problem with the aws dms modules, when...
# general
hi, ive a a problem with the aws dms modules, when i created a s3 endpoint target with extraConnectionAttributes, its not set on the dms aws s3 endpoint but the endpoint is well created
Copy code
const s3EndpointTarget = new aws.dms.Endpoint('my-dms-endpoint', {
  engineName: 's3',
  endpointId: 'my-dms-endpoint,
  endpointType: 'target',
  serviceAccessRole: 'arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/dms-replication',
  extraConnectionAttributes: 'addColumnName=true;compressionType=GZIP;csvDelimiter=,;csvRowDelimiter=\n',
  s3Settings: {
    bucketName: 'my-s3-bucket',
    ServiceAccessRoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::xxxxx:role/dms-replication',
if someone have an idea ?