okay what am I missing you have to use a pulumi ac...
# general
okay what am I missing you have to use a pulumi account? I am trying my first new project and it wants a login but I thought you could just manage things locally/?
You can use
pulumi login --local
to store state locally instead of in the Pulumi service. See https://pulumi.io/reference/cli/pulumi_login.html for details.
so what is it looking for from github?
The default mode is to log you into the service so that you don't need to manage checkpoint state files, or deal with serializing concurrent updates, on your own. Most users find it to be a much more convenient way to go. That said, as Luke notes,
will give you the ability to manage the state file by hand, without any communication with the Pulumi service. It should not ask for your GitHub credentials when operating in this mode.
Are you using
pulumi new
? That will download templates from GitHub.
yes i was
You can download them yourself and use
or simply create a project from scratch yourself.
that makes sense I suppose
In particular, templates come from the open source repository at: https://github.com/pulumi/templates
๐Ÿ‘ 1
so is it viable to check in these state files if you have them local?
You could - though that is not something I commonly see. You would want to be very careful about what potentially sensitive data might be in them, as inputs or outputs of resources you are managing. Many users store in S3 or some other object store that can be permissioned appropriately. There is work in progress to support that more natively in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/2026. The complexity of managing this safely yourself is part of why we default to helping manage this for you.
no I totally get it...the trick is being able to make the case for mgmt to buy into the expense ๐Ÿ™‚
have to feel the pain to make the case if that makes any sense
Note that the Community Edition of the SaaS is 100% free to use. It has most of the features of the paid Team Edition, just not team collaboration features like organizations, RBAC, etc. But for personal use, it's definitely the easiest way to go.
No hidden gotchas or anything in there.
Which would be ok for me to experiment with...but as an enterprise customer I can't use it right?
You can ๐Ÿ™‚
It's just that most enterprise customers end up wanting the team features eventually, since otherwise it would just be your own account with access to your stacks.
Ok what am I missing please shine the light cause I am in love with the product and my managers can be cheap hah
But for small teams this could be entirely ok.
This page highlights the differences: https://www.pulumi.com/pricing/ -- could help shine the light
Ok I was looking at that
no stack limits?
also no independent sign in outside gitlab/github ?
No stack limits but that's right, just GitLab/GitHub identity (Atlassian coming soon)
hmm which might be a deal breaker our repos are internal
The paid versions support SSO, SAML, Okta, ActiveDirectory, etc, another reason enterprises often choose the paid tiers.
Note that we don't need access to your repos code to do deployments. We only rely on the identity provider for authentication.
oh ok that works just using it for the oauth benefit
Thx a bunch that wasnt all immediately obvious
Sure thing, don't hesitate to reach out if we can help with anything else -- hope the combination of all of this means that Pulumi works for you ๐Ÿ™‚
guess we shall see now to figure out beanstalk ๐Ÿ˜‰