Does pulumi have a transpiler for ARM templates?
# general
Does pulumi have a transpiler for ARM templates?
We don't have a transpiler per se, but you can deploy ARM templates using Pulumi, using the
resource type. See below for an example -- I will add this to the pulumi/examples repo momentarily. This gives you an easy incremental path to migrating existing ARM templates; the typical workflow is to start by deploying them, then teasing out a resource or two at a time, from JSON into code. A transpiler would be great, and it's something we talk about from time to time, and aspire to build up organically as we convert more stacks (the same is true of AWS CloudFormation). HTH!
Copy code
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";

const resourceGroup = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("rg", { location: "WestUS" });
const armDeployment = new azure.core.TemplateDeployment("arm-dep", {
    templateBody: JSON.stringify({
      "$schema": "<>",
      "contentVersion": "",
      "parameters": {
        "storageAccountType": {
          "type": "string",
          "defaultValue": "Standard_LRS",
          "allowedValues": [
          "metadata": {
            "description": "Storage Account type"
      "variables": {
        "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
        "storageAccountName": "[concat(uniquestring(resourceGroup().id), 'storage')]",
        "publicIPAddressName": "[concat('myPublicIp', uniquestring(resourceGroup().id))]",
        "publicIPAddressType": "Dynamic",
        "apiVersion": "2015-06-15",
        "dnsLabelPrefix": `${pulumi.getProject()}-${pulumi.getStack()}`
      "resources": [
          "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
          "name": "[variables('storageAccountName')]",
          "apiVersion": "[variables('apiVersion')]",
          "location": "[variables('location')]",
          "properties": {
            "accountType": "[parameters('storageAccountType')]"
          "type": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses",
          "apiVersion": "[variables('apiVersion')]",
          "name": "[variables('publicIPAddressName')]",
          "location": "[variables('location')]",
          "properties": {
            "publicIPAllocationMethod": "[variables('publicIPAddressType')]",
            "dnsSettings": {
              "domainNameLabel": "[variables('dnsLabelPrefix')]"
      "outputs": {
        "storageAccountName": {
          "type": "string",
          "value": "[variables('storageAccountName')]"
    // these key-value pairs are passed into the ARM Template's `parameters` block
    parameters: {
        "storageAccountType": "Standard_GRS",
    deploymentMode: "Incremental",

export const storageAccountName = armDeployment.outputs.apply(outs => outs["storageAccountName"]);
Thanks. Be nice to be able to have that in native TS and move from ARM. This works
👍 1