is there a way I can find what the ID argument sho...
# general
is there a way I can find what the ID argument should be for that get function for a GCP cluster? I think that's what I'm messing up
@abundant-airplane-93796 was it manually provisioned? If so, just look at the name in the console.
shoudl look liek this:
in this case my id is
ha, so it's just the same as the name? i was thinking it'd be something like the long selfLink url...
so this is my little bit of code
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cluster = gcp.container.Cluster.get('standard-cluster-1', 'standard-cluster-1', {zone: 'us-east1-d'})
but i'm getting this when I run pulumi up
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error: Preview failed: refreshing urn:pulumi:irisvr-sandbox::irisvr::gcp:container/cluster:Cluster::standard-cluster-1: Error reading Container Cluster "": Cluster "" has status "" with message ""
@abundant-airplane-93796 sorry, I am super busy with kubecon … I’d love to help when I have more time. Can you ping me tomorrow?
no worries, actually had my interest in pulumi re-piqued at kubecon hence the q's. will reach out again in a few days. i actually suspect now that the problem might be my cluster having had some options turned on that aren't currently supported by the terraform gcp provider (ie, this was a sandbox cluster with istio beta turned on), but i might be wrong
oh lol that must have just sent when I opened my laptop…
I sent that hours ago.
ha. have a good night
distributed systems, man. let me take a look now since I’m online anyway…
i'm crashing, got a 7:50am flight back to ny, so don't rush on my account
@abundant-airplane-93796 this just worked for me:
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gcp.container.Cluster.get("<cluster-name>", "<cluster-name>", {
    project: "<cluster-name>"
@abundant-airplane-93796 I see what your problem is. This should work:
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gcp.container.Cluster.get("<cluster-name>", "<cluster-name>", {
    name: "<cluster-name>",
    project: "<project-name>"
this seems to be a bug. cc @white-balloon-205 ?