Maybe a stupid question .. i know there is a tf2pu...
# general
Maybe a stupid question .. i know there is a tf2pulumi project... is there a pulumi2tf ? I ask because some places insist in their code being TF, but we could write it in pulumi and provide the tf code as an artefact.
That would seriously be cool.
The whole thing generates TF templates I think, so 🙂 It should not be hard to do this
I mean It is based on TF, is not it?
i think pulumi's lower levels do call TF code, so maybe it shouldn't be that hard.
This would be seriously helpful in my case to get/keep management on board with pulumi. They've guy a bad case of "scared of new tech"
I'm glad there's others with the same issue 🙂
has there been any movement on this? I don't see it tracked as an issue in github.
not sure if it matches 100% a pulumi to terraform code generation 🙂