hmm... I think maybe I'm just not logging in to my...
# general
hmm... I think maybe I'm just not logging in to my org account properly. I have a personal account and an org account. How do I log in to get access to stacks in the org?
Good question! Today we just rolled out the feature to allow you to “fix” this.
Log into the Pulumi Console using your GitHub account (the one that doesn’t have access to your SAML organization’s stacks). Then navigate to You will see several “CONNECT” buttons that will allow you to associate other identities with your Pulumi account. If you click the SAML icon, it will prompt you for a SAML based organization, and then login with those SAML creds. You should then have your SAML identity associated with your Pulumi account, and as a result, access to that organization’s stacks.
Let me know if you have any questions or run into any errors. There are unfortunately many things that can go wrong when dealing with SAML SSO.
I don't have a github account
The SAML stuff was already all connected previously. For some reason things just stopped working
That’s odd. What happens if you login again using using SAML SSO? e.g. visiting
By “things just stopped working”, are you getting 404 errors from the website, or authorization errors when using the Pulumi command-line tool?
Logging in works fine. I think I was just confused with errors I was seeing with the CLI