Hello! I"m looking for a pulumi article that is si...
# general
Hello! I"m looking for a pulumi article that is similar to this serverless example for setting a domain to direct to your AWS API Gateway service endpoints: https://serverless.com/blog/api-gateway-multiple-services/
Thank you for this gist!
Hi @white-balloon-205! Just following after adapting your gist. Thank u again! So questions atm are: 1. How to define the api stage. 2. How to set settings for CloudWatch I believe we set for things like compression and stage variables as part of the stage creation. What about things like Model integration? Cheers!
How to define the api stage.
There should be a
property on
How to set settings for CloudWatch
Which settings in particular?
I believe we set for things like compression and stage variables as part of the stage creation. What about things like Model integration?
Some of this may be possible currently - other things may require passing
instead of
so that you get 100% control over the configuration of the API gateway.
Thanks Luke. I thought there was more to creating a stage then just setting the name. But yes, setting stageName worked. I can live with manually setting parameters in the console for now. Looking forward to deeper examples! 😉