I got some consistent error with desired capacity,...
# general
I got some consistent error with desired capacity, any idea on that? I'm pretty sure my desired capacity is set not to 2, and don't know where the number 2 comes from.
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creating urn:pulumi:online-sandbox-3-vpc-0d18addcc5815ae23::eks-cluster::eks:index:Cluster$aws:cloudformation/stack:Stack::online-sandbox-3-eks-cluster-nodes: ROLLBACK_COMPLETE: ["The following resource(s) failed to create: [NodeGroup]. . Rollback requested by user." "Desired capacity:2 must be between the specified min size:5 and max size:50 (Service: AmazonAutoScaling; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: 11dbc817-2351-11e9-b1a7-a7ac0bb420e5)"]
Can you confirm if/where you're setting it to some other value?
I have
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const cluster = new eks.Cluster(environment+"-eks-cluster", {
  vpcId             : config.require("vpc-id"),
  subnetIds         : vpcSubnetIds,
  instanceType      : "m4.4xlarge",
  nodePublicKey     : workerNodePublicKey, 
  nodeRootVolumeSize: 200,
  desiredCapacity   : config.requireNumber("desired-nodes"),
  maxSize           : config.requireNumber("max-nodes"),
  minSize           : config.requireNumber("min-nodes"),
  nodeUserData      : userData,
  deployDashboard   : false,
  vpcCniOptions     : {
    warmIpTarget    : 4,
Copy code
  aws:region: us-west-2
  eks-cluster:environment: online-sandbox-3
  eks-cluster:vpc-id: vpc-0d18addcc5815ae23
  eks-cluster:subnet-ids: "subnet-040312c4bd4836a90,subnet-07a1b54cd79533b16,subnet-0eeccdb78d257cb01,subnet-0f8f3adca0c1cdae6"
  eks-cluster:worker-ssh-key: sdp_at_tableau_dot_com.ssh.key.pub
  eks-cluster:aws-iam-stack: "tableau/mustang-aws-iam-sandbox"
  eks-cluster:max-nodes: 50
  eks-cluster:min-nodes: 5
  eks-cluster:desired-nodes: 5
  splunk:indexName: online_sandbox
  splunk:sourcetypePrefix: "online:tas:kubernetes"
  splunk:deploymentServer: "<http://splunkds.tableausandbox.com:8089|splunkds.tableausandbox.com:8089>"
  prometheus:frontend: <http://prometheus.online-sandbox-3.online.dev.tabint.net|prometheus.online-sandbox-3.online.dev.tabint.net>
  grafana:frontend: <http://grafana.online-sandbox-3.online.dev.tabint.net|grafana.online-sandbox-3.online.dev.tabint.net>
and it's working previously, just stop working properly from last week
can you try
desiredCapacity: 5
to see if that changes the behavior? also, what version of
are you depending on?
I'm on
desiredCapacity: 5
Hmmm having the same problem:
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* creating urn:pulumi:online-sandbox-3-vpc-0d18addcc5815ae23::eks-cluster::eks:index:Cluster$aws:cloudformation/stack:Stack::online-sandbox-3-eks-cluster-nodes: ROLLBACK_COMPLETE: ["The following resource(s) failed to create: [NodeGroup]. . Rollback requested by user." "Desired capacity:2 must be between the specified min size:5 and max size:50 (Service: AmazonAutoScaling; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: 4ce58920-235e-11e9-903c-399cd6f8a44d)"]
now it's set to 5 specifically:
Copy code
const cluster = new eks.Cluster(environment+"-eks-cluster", {
  vpcId             : config.require("vpc-id"),
  subnetIds         : vpcSubnetIds,
  instanceType      : "m4.4xlarge",
  nodePublicKey     : workerNodePublicKey,
  nodeRootVolumeSize: 200,
  //desiredCapacity   : config.requireNumber("desired-nodes"),
  desiredCapacity   : 5,
  maxSize           : config.requireNumber("max-nodes"),
  minSize           : config.requireNumber("min-nodes"),
  nodeUserData      : userData,
  deployDashboard   : false,
  vpcCniOptions     : {
    warmIpTarget    : 4,
is new as of a week ago (https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#0165-release-january-21st-2019) - you mentioned this was working before. Have you deployed successfully using 0.16.5 before?
I wonder if it's related to recent changes in the eks package. I'm not seeing anything obvious in the changes though.
cc @microscopic-florist-22719
not sure I deployed successfully using 0.16.5, but I did upgrade all packages recently.
cc @white-balloon-205 in case you have any ideas about the recent EKS package changes
Yes - this looks like a bug that was introduced with https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/pull/49, I'll submit a fix and do another release shortly.
Cool, thanks!
This is now available in