What’s the best way to package up a lambda from co...
# general
What’s the best way to package up a lambda from code in the same directory? I like the ability to create lambdas in-line with pulumi, but I’m needing a bit more structure to the lambda and more JS files and would prefer to not have to zip the code up each time
If you want to manage your Lambda source code outside of Pulumi, you can do it just the traditional Lambda way - prepare a seperate Node package, put it in a folder, then include it in your Lambda along the lines of this example: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/d61e7a2a662523ef69e70d3c9b658ba8b15b49ab/aws-ts-serverless-raw/index.ts#L53
@white-balloon-205 gotcha, I’d prefer to let Pulumi manage it but when my eventHandler requires a JS file in the same folder, it doesn’t actually get bundled with the lambda
Is it expected with Pulumi that if you need to expand to a more modular lambda that you create the lambda explicitly? using the example you linked above