Also when I checked a Stack resource in the export...
# general
Also when I checked a Stack resource in the exported stack json file, for example for the project and stack names above its:
. Is this intended?
Just to clarify:
are you referring to if it's intentional that we just show the final 'name' portion?
i.e. 'example-dev' versus the entire URN?
or are you asking about it being of the form a-b
The URN is I guess an internal implementation detail of pulumi so I was just curious
actually, we don't consider it an internal impl details
But the stack name in the resources list where the name is different than actual stack name
So that struck me 🙂
so we think of the URN as a totally unique name.
however, for purposes of display, we show just hte 'name' portion (which may not be unique) but keeps things tidy
My stack is named
(as shown in the
Previewing update (dev)
and in the web console) but on the list of resources its name is
ok. so this is less about the full URN, and more about hte choice of project-stack?
and being inconsistent with how we refer to the stack itself in a few places?
if so, i can def see how that is confusing
It’s about confusion - the naming in the preview screen is inconsistent
Right. i was just thrown off by your references to the URN 🙂
that's why i was asking if this was about URN vs short-name, or the actual choice of how we showed hte stack name in a few places.
Well, I just paid more attention to the stack name as I was doing manual “stack rename” 😉
to have a stack name without the project name (I created the stack when the name had to be unique in the whole org)
Alright thanks. Opening a bug on this 🙂
What's your github alias?
To “rename” my stack I exported existing stack to json file, replaced all occurences of its name with the new stack name. Then I created a new stack with shorter name and imported json file. I was modifying urns and I noticed that the urn of the stack resource also includes the project name 🙂
Thanks - I have added a comment there.