I am trying to port a new terraform provider to Pu...
# general
I am trying to port a new terraform provider to Pulumi using the pulumi-terraform bridge repo. I found the "updating Pulumi Providers" wiki page which is helpful. Is there a guide for starting a new Pulumi provider from terraform from scratch?
I believe https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-tf-provider-boilerplate is what you're looking for.
oh yeah that looks right. How is this different from pulumi/pulumi-terraform?
looks like pulumi-terraform is a dependency — so i've been barking up the wrong tree 🙃
thanks Cameron
you're welcome!
Which provider are you looking at doing?
want to pair? 😁
@worried-engineer-33884 Is this a provider you built originally?
Hi James (thanks for merging my PR, another one inbound with a link to the boilerplate repo!)
No I am not involved in the terraform provider at all
The unfortunate thing is that it’s not really doing any kind of dependency pinning, which may cause problems updating in future
My client uses it for IPAM in conjunction with the AWS provider. We are looking at moving this to Pulumi—my mandate is to POC porting SOLIDServer terraform to Pulumi
OK - it doesn’t look like a particularly hard provider to port.
Right, it just leans on
go get
I think (I am not a go expert)
Right - so
go get
looks at the import paths and gets the latest version of each one
I can fork it and create a lock file if that's helpful
That’s fine for what it does, but can lead to a lot of churn - especially for the transitive dependencies of Terraform which are many and varied
That said, it might not present a huge problem.
Getting it to a POC should be straightforward - the second problem I spot in the repo is that the documentation is not in the standard upstream format (it’s just in the README), so doc comments won’t be generated properly.
got it — i think we can live without for this first pass
So, should I just start following the pulumi-tf-provider-boilerplate README and ping you if I get stuck?
Sure - that will work!
One thing worth verifying is that you can build one of the other terraform-backed providers in your development environment - that should ensure you have all the correct tools etc
should i skip the govendor-override step?
Yeah, it just errors out
so do i copy Gopkg.template.toml to Gopkg.toml manually, and then add the dependencies from terraform-provider-solidserver manually as "constraints"?
which i think is just a single dependency github.com/hashicorp/terraform/plugin
well, no, there's more i guess
Copy code
└──➤ go get -d -v
<http://github.com/alexissavin/terraform-provider-solidserver|github.com/alexissavin/terraform-provider-solidserver> (download)
<http://github.com/alexissavin/gorequest|github.com/alexissavin/gorequest> (download)
<http://github.com/moul/http2curl|github.com/moul/http2curl> (download)
<http://github.com/hashicorp/terraform|github.com/hashicorp/terraform> (download)
So just add these ☝️ ?
Sorry, was just grabbing coffee
Yes - I’d copy the template to be Gopkg.toml manually (and delete the template)
then all you need to do is just run
dep ensure -v
and it should produce a lock file with usable versions of things, assuming the repo is actually `go get`able
ok i tried that and it complained about the gorequest and http2curl dependencies
Copy code
Warning: the following project(s) have [[constraint]] stanzas in Gopkg.toml:

  ✗  <http://github.com/alexissavin/gorequest|github.com/alexissavin/gorequest>
  ✗  <http://github.com/moul/http2curl|github.com/moul/http2curl>

However, these projects are not direct dependencies of the current project:
so i removed them
Huh, what does the Gopkg.toml look like?
They likely don’t need to appear in there at all
now getting:
Copy code
Solving failure:
        (1) failed to list versions for <https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-solidserver>: ERROR: Repository not found.
i must have messed up a search/replace
☝️ i commented out the two dependencies it was complaining about
i left hashicorp/terraform
and also the provider i am trying to port which is from the boilerplate
So I don’t think you need much of this
You should just need:
The underlying provider repo, pulumi and pulumi-terraform
Everything else should be inferred
Is the
editing bit optional? Can I get away without it for now?
@stocky-spoon-28903 I've done everything up to the edit resources.go part. Would you mind taking a look at this PR? https://github.com/dustinfarris/pulumi-solidserver/pull/1
I can take a look shortly - en route to the airport right now
👍 1
awesome, thanks
Just took a quick look actually - it looks good so far!
Thanks for looking! Do I have to edit resources.go or can I get away without that part?
No, you need to map through each resource in the Terraform provider in resources.go
And assign it a pulumi-style name
ok got it. i'll start working on that now. is there a simpler example of this than pulumi-aws?
Yes! Almost anything else 🙂
Take a look at
There’s a similar block for Data Sources too (but random doesnt have any): https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-openstack/blob/master/resources.go#L306-L350 is a good example