Is there an option to wait for kubernetes job comp...
# general
Is there an option to wait for kubernetes job completion? The use case is provisioning a rails environment - I'd like to run a rails db migration before deploying the rest of the containers
@incalculable-diamond-5088 no, but @gorgeous-egg-16927 might be working on something like this
Yeah, we don’t have await logic implemented yet for `Job`s. It’s on my TODO list
@gorgeous-egg-16927 That's great! Is there an ETA when it can be released? I'll need this to finish the POC
Hmm, it shouldn’t be that hard to implement, but I’ve got a few other things on my plate right now. How urgent is it for you? Current plan would be sometime in the next month most likely.
I think next month should be fine
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@incalculable-diamond-5088 Would you mind opening an issue with your use case and how you’d like it to work? Specifically, is this a one-time Job, or would it need to run on every update, etc. I haven’t thought through the details yet, but Job is a bit of an odd resource.
Yeah, it’s weird.
When I was at Heptio this was something joe and I argued about a lot. Joe’s position was that
semantics can’t be known a priori and therefore should never be awaited.
So it goes.
That’s likely true in general, but I bet it’s something we could make configurable to accommodate use cases like this.
Yeah... db migrations are generally a weird case, but having it nicely wrapped in pulumi will help a lot. Actually, it can be done just by running a pod to completion but jobs are more convenient here
Here's the ticket: Thanks guys for the rapid responses!
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