Cancelled `pulumi up` with Ctrl-C, and next time I...
# general
pulumi up
with Ctrl-C, and next time I ran it I got this:
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error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 1
    The Pulumi runtime detected that 16 promises were still active
    at the time that the process exited. There are a few ways that this can occur:
      * Not using `await` or `.then` on a Promise returned from a Pulumi API
      * Introducing a cyclic dependency between two Pulumi Resources
      * A bug in the Pulumi Runtime
    Leaving promises active is probably not what you want. If you are unsure about
    why you are seeing this message, re-run your program with the `PULUMI_DEBUG_PROMISE_LEAKS`
    environment variable. The Pulumi runtime will then print out additional
    debug information about the leaked promises.
error: an error occurred while advancing the preview
Canot find anything in the docs on how to move forward from this. My stack is not creating promises, so it must be Pulumi components...
This keeps happening even after i deleted and re-created the stack
How big is the program? Can you put it in a gist with any secrets etc redacted?
Looks like pulumi process just exits without any error message (error code 1) - could be something with AWS permissions, etc - I could run it in another AWS account..
runnig with --logtostder gives "Operation not permitted" message:
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I0226 09:29:22.671328   19436 log.go:56] Error closing 'nodejs' language plugin during shutdown; ignoring: 1 error occurred:

* operation not permitted
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (devops-eks-identity-test1):
    The Pulumi runtime detected that 16 promises were still active
    at the time that the process exited. There are a few ways that this can occur:
      * Not using `await` or `.then` on a Promise returned from a Pulumi API
      * Introducing a cyclic dependency between two Pulumi Resources
      * A bug in the Pulumi Runtime
    Leaving promises active is probably not what you want. If you are unsure about
    why you are seeing this message, re-run your program with the `PULUMI_DEBUG_PROMISE_LEAKS`
    environment variable. The Pulumi runtime will then print out additional
    debug information about the leaked promises.
    error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 1
error: an error occurred while advancing the preview
The program is based on "kubernets the prod way" example:
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
import * as util from "./util";
import * as iam from "./lib";

const baseline = new iam.BaselineIam("baselineIam", {
    groups: {
        // Create default EKS admins group.
        defineEksAdminsGroup: true,
        defineRoute53AdminsGroup: true

// EKS management user. Deploys EKS, passes AWS IAM Role ARNs to EKS, so that workloads can be
// correlated to AWS IAM.

const eksAdminCiUser = new util.BotUser("eksAdminCiUser", {
    groupMembership: {
        groups: [
            baseline.groups.useExistingIamRoles!.name, // To use pass role ARNs to k8s RoleBindings.
const eksAdminCiUserKey = eksAdminCiUser.createAccessKey("eksAdminCiUser");

export const eksUserCiUserAccessKey = {
    secret: eksAdminCiUserKey.secret,

const route53User = new util.BotUser("router53User", {
    groupMembership: {
        groups: [

const route53UserKey = route53User.createAccessKey("route53User");

export const route53UserAccessKey = {
    secret: route53UserKey.secret,

const kubeAppRole = util.newRoleWithPolicies(
        description: "Infrastructure management role for CI users",
        assumeRolePolicy: eksAdminCiUser.user.arn.apply(util.assumeRolePolicy),
        ecrPowerUser: aws.iam.AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser,
        passRole: baseline.policies.useExistingIamRoles!.arn,

export const kubeAppRoleArn = kubeAppRole.arn;
Verbose log output: Not clear exactly what is failing.
I just wish Pulumi gave more descriptive error messages
Which version of Pulumi are you running? We released a new version two days ago that fixes a similar issue.
How do I upgrade it? I was running
curl -fsSL <> | sh
, but still have 0.16.14
curl --fail --silent -L "<>
gives 0.16.14
Re-ran it with 0.16.16, and updated log output in the gist above - I've got the same result
By commenting everything, and then uncommenting it line by line I've pin pointed the error to the creation of one out of two
resources. Not sure why one is created, and the other one gives an error - does not look like this is an IAM permission
Also, why is the error in preview stage?
There is some validation done at the preview stage.
Give me a few mins to finish up some calls and I can look at this more closely
Certainly there is a bug though - we never expect a Go backtrace to be exposed to the user.
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Pulumi version: v0.16.16
    Plugin nodejs [language] version: 0.16.16
    Plugin aws [resource] version: 0.16.10