Also, what is the difference between Pulumi Enterp...
# general
Also, what is the difference between Pulumi Enterprise and
pulumi login --local
This in general is one for @gentle-diamond-70147 or @big-piano-35669 I think - but the essential difference is whether you have a copy of the service, or just manage state files on local disk
got it, i think
so we could use local to trial pulumi with our secrets until we are comfortable enough to go for the web or enterprise product
i'm using it with local state files where the only thing with required deploy keys is the CI server and a script to get and push state from git
configured to only allow one build thread at a time and running pulumi preview as the PR validation then pulumi up as the CI merge
The Pulumi SaaS (Team and Enterprise) provides a web console, state storage, collaboration, teams, role-based access control, SAML, etc. The full feature breakdown is at
Note: you can use the Community tier for free to try out Pulumi too! Easier to get up and running that way. 🙂
@gentle-diamond-70147 thanks. we are more concerned about the storage of secrets than anything. hoping to use the local backend to get a feel for how things are stored without inadvertently exposing anything
Understood. FYI, we are working on making the secret storage pluggable at the client, so secrets are never visible to the SaaS.
👍 2