I guess not for ECS at all. That's annoying
# general
I guess not for ECS at all. That's annoying
Indeed! This is a really unfortunate ECS limitation. See (and vote on) https://github.com/aws/containers-roadmap/issues/104.
Ugh, ah well.
What would you recommend for a single container that needs to have one internet-facing port and one private?
Is it possible to use Pulumi to manage containers on a regular EC2 instance?
Fargate can handle that - you just can't put load balancers on both. The
abstraction currently puts load balancers on all exposed ports, so you wouldn't be able to use that. But the
abstraction is meant exactly for this - and should handle your case without problem. See https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-awsx/tree/master/nodejs/awsx/ecs.
Thanks, looks perfect
Is there a way to discover the internal DNS name for the fargate service? So services within the VPC can connect?