<@UGJB0NJ1M> <@UG77VR58X> regarding your question ...
# general
@thousands-notebook-91098 @worried-engineer-33884 regarding your question about how to use data sources in Python - there’s an example here you can look at: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/deff78c44de30ed63cd40e547eac42e1cb89fd52/azure-py-webserver/__main__.py#L72-L74
This will be merged into the examples repo soon.
In both JavaScript and Python, data sources return promises/futures instead of Outputs because they don’t have any dependency information attached to them. This does though mean that you generally have to use async functions a bit more, and the style of that in both JavaScript and Python is a little outside of what’s “normal”. We’re still looking into options to make this feel a bit simpler. But the example above should help. (And we’re working on adding examples to all the API docs very soon so this is more directly at your fingertips).
Thanks Luke! This example is helpful.
@white-balloon-205 is there a way i can get at that value without starting with an Output? e.g. if i want to just log the value — or use it as an input to a resource?