Has anything changed recently in terms of how `@pu...
# general
Has anything changed recently in terms of how
interacts with GCP container registry based on your credentials? I'm using a service account with full project permissions but am unable to push docker images:
Caller does not have permission 'storage.buckets.create'. To configure permissions, follow instructions at: <https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/access-control>
. In the past this just worked and I didn't have to go through any extra steps or set up to be able to push up images
I'm not aware of anything changing on our side. Certainly nothing has changed in
. Are you relying on ambient credentials configured via
, or are you passing credentials through expciitly (I seem to recall the GCR only supports the former?)?
Yeah thanks for the hint I figured it out. Had some stuff left over in my local .docker/config.json that was attempting to pull
into the picture
Is there a way with Pulumi to be able to access the $GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS that are being used by the program to authenticate with the Container Registry? I want to avoid having to explicitly read in the key file and pass it through with the docker image registry configuration in Pulumi since I'm already using a Service Account for deployments that has the right permissions