Somebody just sent me a link to Pulumi, looks very...
# general
Somebody just sent me a link to Pulumi, looks very good, like terrafrom but without horrible DSL that does not do what you want. However it appears that is not open source, and "it is possible to use Pulumi without the service, which works a lot more like Terraform, but it is harder to do and opt-in", so basically this is a vendor lock in, right? No option to run a version of locally without getting inferior results?
to be clear, you can do all the state management yourself.
If what you want is RBAC, concurrency control, and so on, you probably want to use the Pulumi service, which manages those sorts of things.
Right. Got it. Thanks.
It’s hard to say what’s “inferior” without saying more about your use case. If you’re just managing personal stacks that don’t really require org-level stuff like RBAC, that’s free, and the experience shoudl be basically as good as if you paid for it as part of an organization.
If what you want is robust, organization-level managment of cloud resources, that’s where the calculus changes. We expect orgs will mostly pay, while individuals mostly will not.
I understand. Thank you for explaining that. I have not seen this link you sent above before, and it does a decent job explaining how that works.
Where can I familiarize myself with pricing?
@tall-army-76869 is a good place to start, but if you have more feedback please chat with @white-balloon-205 or @gentle-diamond-70147 about it
they are actively thinking about what changes, if any, we need to make here.
Thank you, once again
We started looking at Pulumi about a week ago, so we’re in the same boat. There is a PR to use s3 and other cloud storage providers as a backend. For us, we wanted to use the pulumi service, but it’s astronomically too expensive.
cc @white-balloon-205 @gentle-diamond-70147
I do not run this show, but I know luke and cameron to be good at listening to this kind of feedback
@cool-egg-852 we are exploring some pricing changes that I think you'll find more accommodating. I'm already on an email thread with your colleagues to talk about this next week. 🙂
That’s good to hear. Funny story about that, Fernando had forgotten to include you and only replied to Carlos and we kept wondering why you hadn’t replied 😄 Looking forward to speaking with you.