am I able to use the New Relic TF provider with pu...
# general
am I able to use the New Relic TF provider with pulumi?
looks like i should be able to
use but you’ll have to use the tfbridge to convert the TF provider into a pulumi provider
sounds good. just pulled up the github repo for tf bridge. i'll give it a shot. thanks!
will check it out! thanks! 🙂
I'm working through the boilerplate but hitting an issue when trying to lock dependancies. any tips?
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bngo-mac3:pulumi-newrelic bngo$ govendor-override < Gopkg.template.toml > Gopkg.toml
2019/03/08 09:40:50 fetching govendor information for <|>
2019/03/08 09:40:50 chose <|>
2019/03/08 09:40:51 error fetching govendor information for <|>: open /var/folders/m9/dlr4wb2x0tbb7m9zh3bmszl8j5pg0l/T/govendor-override771467244/vendor/vendor.json: no such file or directory
Hi @quaint-queen-45003, severs terraform providers have moved now from govendor to go modules, and this guidance needs updating. I’ll try to do that today, now I’ve finished work on a tool to automate it in a similar manner. Sorry for the inconvenience!
no worries. thank you for the help!
@quaint-queen-45003 did you get this to work? I'm trying it out now and am running into issues with `gomod-override`:
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▶ gomod-override < Gopkg.template.toml > Gopkg.toml
2019/03/27 11:00:25 chose <|>
2019/03/27 11:00:27 error running go list to determine complete dependency list: exit status 1
@incalculable-angle-91273 the new relic provider has some… interesting… dependencies
I’m actually working on it this week
oh nice! are you working to convert it to a native pulumi provider?
oh cool! keep us updated on your progress. Is there a github issue or anything that we could follow?
The issue is internal right now, but there should be a repo soon.
Unfortunately this is one of the harder ones to get right since the client SDK for new relic and the terraform provider have broken dependency trees
any updates on this? hoping to stop maintaining alerts and such by hand 🙂
Yes! It’s actually ready to go ‘public’ now with a first release, as soon as someone in Seattle is awake to review!
perfect! thank you!
can you point me to the docs for this? I'm struggling looking for them
did this get merged in yet?
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npm install @pulumi/newrelic
npm ERR! code E404
npm ERR! 404 Not Found: @pulumi/newrelic@*