Hi, I’m trying to create an EKS cluster and get th...
# general
Hi, I’m trying to create an EKS cluster and get this error:
Copy code
Method handler checkConfig for /pulumirpc.ResourceProvider/CheckConfig expected but not provided
    Method handler diffConfig for /pulumirpc.ResourceProvider/DiffConfig expected but not provided
    unable to recognize "/var/folders/28/z072xy4d5970vkd6l3vb_r780000gn/T/tmp-32396RlquTqkLiKdX.tmp": Unauthorized
    unable to recognize "/var/folders/28/z072xy4d5970vkd6l3vb_r780000gn/T/tmp-32396RlquTqkLiKdX.tmp": Unauthorized
    unable to recognize "/var/folders/28/z072xy4d5970vkd6l3vb_r780000gn/T/tmp-32396RlquTqkLiKdX.tmp": Unauthorized
    unable to recognize "/var/folders/28/z072xy4d5970vkd6l3vb_r780000gn/T/tmp-32396RlquTqkLiKdX.tmp": Unauthorized
    unable to recognize "/var/folders/28/z072xy4d5970vkd6l3vb_r780000gn/T/tmp-32396RlquTqkLiKdX.tmp": Unauthorized
Not sure if it’s related, but I’m using the user of the root account and assuming a role of an organization member account
Could you open an issue in
on this with any details? In particular package versions and anything you can in terms of repro steps. This is definitely a bug, and I recall someone mentioning seeing something similar last week.
LMK if you need any other details
Thanks - we’ll look into it.