any suggestions?
# general
any suggestions?
There’s some documentation on how to work with Outputs at In your case you will want something like:
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pulumi.all([o1,o2]).apply(([o1val, o2val]) => JSON.stringify({ something: o1val, other: o2val });
Oh - and to the point about “not on preview” - you can use
to check whether it is a preview and only write the file to disk if it’s not.
i've got a small issue, which is the object i'm trying to stringify already exists, and i'm just trying to replace some properties
Then same as above - but write the values into the object inside the apply instead of using them to construct a new object.
ok, cool, thanks. i'm gonna give that a try
ok. i've got some progress, but still getting complains about the output
let me show you a specific example
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const filedata = pulumi.all([inputConnectionString, outputConnectionString]).apply(([ics, ocs]) => {
    fnjson.bind.connectionIn = ics;
    fnjson.bind.connectionOut = ocs;

    return JSON.stringify(fnjson);

fs.writeFileSync('./' + fnFolder + '/' + fnName + '/function.json', filedata);
looks like replies do not support code snippets, sorry 😕
You’ll need to put the fs.writefilesync inside the apply as well. Anything you want to do with the raw values will need to be inside the apply.
ok, cool
thanks for the info!
just wanted to let you know that it worked wonderfully with the things you suggested. Thanks!
👍 1