Anyone know if we can change the GitHub bot to mak...
# general
Anyone know if we can change the GitHub bot to make the checks per project/stack instead of stack? Each project is overriding the previous projects status
Also is there any plan to remove old comments?
I’m not sure I exactly follow - do you mean that the same stack name in different projects are overwriting one another? That sounds like a bug. Could you open an issue? (Pulumi/Pulumi works). Cc also @colossal-beach-47527 .
👍🏽 1
@cool-egg-852 , I too don’t quite understand what you mean by “project is overriding the previous project status”. But for your other question, yes, having the app delete older/obsolete comments is something that is definitely on the roadmap. (Soon!)
@white-balloon-205 Yes, that is exactly what is happening.
The bot is only using the stack name, not stack + project, therefore the status is overwritten when you have 2 projects run preview in the same PR if the stack name is the same.
I will open a bug.
@colossal-beach-47527 That’s good to know about the comments. Definitely something that is a little bit annoying at the moment as we are switching to Pulumi, and that means we may have a lot of requested changes over and over again as we learn.
we may have a lot of requested changes over and over again as we learn.
Not a problem at all! Really happy to get feedback from somebody outside of the engineering team, since the way you experience/interact with the product is very different from our own. While I can’t promise I’ll have the bandwidth to make every change in a timely manner, I’m always happy to hear what sorts of things you’d like to see improved.
👍 1