Is there any plans on adding a Pulumi plugin for V...
# general
Is there any plans on adding a Pulumi plugin for VS Code?
Curious - what would you want it to help with?
to visualize resources, stacks, manage login. I now I can do all this in the cli, but just to know if that something is been considered.
zeit's "now" product has something like this, but it's not tied to the IDE. On osx it's a little toolbar that sits at the top of the screen, provides status updates on deployments, login/logout etc
@high-morning-17948 Got it - was curious if you were thinking visualization (stacks, projects, etc.) or some augmentation in the source editor (linters, go-to-resource, etc.) @gray-elephant-37695 Yeah - this is always the challenge - we know Pulumi users use a variety of tools, and so although we'd like to add this tooling closer to the client (vs. in the browser or CLI), it's hard to justify a high-quality investment in a VS Code extension if it would only benefit 30% of users (guessing - I'm not actually sure how many folks use VS Code vs. something else for Pulumi). An
toolbar installer is another option to consider (though then we also need Windows and Linux :-)).
Got it. I know is something that needs to add value for the user base. I just wanted to know if it was on the pipeline. I'll go with the toolbar, if in the future the plugin comes, I'll use it. Thanks for the info.