Hello all, I’m running into a weird issue with ACM...
# general
Hello all, I’m running into a weird issue with ACM Cert validation failing to complete in time. It seems to be because, The DNS records aren’t being setup in Route 53. I had to go into the aws console, and click the button to set them up. So somehow
new aws.acm.CertificateValidation()
is not doing this by default?
It should be. I worked on the example in our examples and it worked without needing a manual step. Can you share your code?
I’ve had several reports in the last month of this taking over 2 hours in some cases
The timeout in the underlying Terraform provider is set to a lot lower than that - it’s unclear to me whether this is a service issue at AWS (which it feels like) or something else
@gentle-diamond-70147 Here’s the relevant snippet:
Copy code
let ptCert = new aws.acm.Certificate("pt_certificate", {
  domainName: domainName,
  validationMethod: "DNS"

let ptCertValidation = new aws.acm.CertificateValidation(
    certificateArn: ptCert.arn
I can dm the whole code if needed. @stocky-spoon-28903 Well this instance, I don’t think the longer timeout would work, because when I went into the console, the button to create the DNS validation records had not been clicked, leading me to believe the option was never set upon Cert creation.
Which button did you have to click in the console?
@gentle-diamond-70147 I see, it looks like you all create the route53 records manually, I thought that would be handled by setting
validation type, guess not.
Ah... no, I don't think that's the case. They must be created as well.
And by manually you mean part of the Pulumi app. 🙂
yea I meant code, not “manually” lol
👍 1