I don’t know typescript super well, but is there a...
# general
I don’t know typescript super well, but is there a way to avoid having to do all these null checks when making changes to k8s yaml files via pulumi: https://pulumi.io/quickstart/aws/tutorial-eks.html#running-off-the-shelf-guestbook-yaml ? I still write k8s yaml for most things because we ship that yaml for our users to run (and other tooling is able to injest yaml), but I’d like to be able to “sprinkle” in things like secrets / env vars via pulumi. For instance in that example, there is a section where they’re changing the type of a service to a Loadbalancer:
Copy code
// Make the 'frontend' Service public by setting it to be of type
                // LoadBalancer
                if (obj.kind == "Service" && obj.metadata.name == "frontend") {
                    if (obj.spec) {
                        obj.spec.type = "LoadBalancer"
Is there a way to just tell the compiler that
is a k8s
, and just assign obj.spec.type=Loadbalancer directly without needing to check to see if
is a field on
at all?
I can't think of a much better way to write that. We've considered adding type-test methods to all the generated types so that you could do:
Copy code
if (Service.isInstance(obj)) {
and get strong typing of
inside the
- which is a nice thing TypeScript supports. But that wouldn't help a ton in this particular case. You'd still need to check whether
separately. And then you'd still have the possibility that
was undefined, so you'd need to guard against that (unless you were willing to trust that anything with the
you are expecting has a non-undefined
? In that case, you could leave off the other
and just use
obj.spec!.type = "LoadBalancer"
Hmm, alright. Being able to cast inside the the
statement would be a huge help to me. Not having ide-support when writing transformations really is like flying blind
cc @creamy-potato-29402 who has been thinking about adding these type-helpers for other reasons - this is another compelling case.
For some more background, I tend to split up the individual resources for a single component into separate files: e.g https://github.com/sourcegraph/deploy-sourcegraph/tree/master/base/frontend
To deploy it via pulumi, i’d write a
that points that entire folder
having those casts inside the
statements would make it really easy to be able to target modifications to a specific file since I’ve already split them out by type
This a really old thread bump, but I think the optional chaining that will be shipped in typescript 3.7.0 will eliminate some of the boilerplate here: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/16#issuecomment-515160784