hey, would love some advice on getting started w/ ...
# general
hey, would love some advice on getting started w/ Pulumi on GCP. Specifically, I’m trying to set up an MVP with GKE + Cloud SQL. Per this https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/connect-kubernetes-engine#private-ip I set up a VPC-native GKE cluster, and now I’m trying to get Cloud SQL up and running. I saw https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/gcp-ts-k8s-ruby-on-rails-postgresql but it exposes Cloud SQL on
which is clearly not production-ready. I also saw instructions here https://pulumi.io/reference/pkg/nodejs/@pulumi/gcp/sql/#private-ip-instance, but this ends up creating a new Cloud SQL VPC separate from
. Is the best path to do this and then set up VPC peering with my GKE VPC?