as a infra guy and not a node/ts developer what am...
# general
as a infra guy and not a node/ts developer what am I supposed to do with this: Diagnostics: pulumipulumiStack (cluster-alpha): (node:16144) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 exit listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
I'm getting the same message since updating the CLI this morning. For now I just ignored it.
That is definitely not expected. @billowy-garage-68819 and @rapid-eye-32575 What Node versions are you on? Was a CLI version upgrade the only change when you started seeing this?
For the it was using subcomponents, I'm on whatever is current in brew
@white-balloon-205 that's on Node version
. I now realized that I also updated the
version in the package version to try out the new features surronding secrets...