What about infrastructure state in pulumi, Can I s...
# general
What about infrastructure state in pulumi, Can I store it and manage it ?
Can you elaborate by what you mean by infrastructure state?
Pulumi is used to manage infrastructure (and application) resources if that's what you mean.
Conceptually Pulumi is similar to Terraform. You define what you want your infrastructure, containers, kubernetes, etc. resources to be and Pulumi knows how to create and manage them.
You probably mean your state file like in terraform the
? https://pulumi.io/reference/state.html#to-the-filesystem-backend
Yes, that is to I refer, and also, ... Can I store the state in some remote storage similar to terraform? I mean can I store the state in azure storage for example ... instead to pulumi app web site? https://pulumi.io/reference/state.html If I want to do this, it have some cost for me?
By default it will use the Pulumi service at app.pulumi.com, which is free for individuals.
@billions-mechanic-26704 why would you want to host the file yourself?
@gentle-diamond-70147 @colossal-room-15708 The company in which I work use Azure cloud platform, and the idea is continue using it.
We do support Azure Blob storage (and others). However, they do not support state locking so you'd need to account for that yourself.
The Pulumi Service provides state storage, state lock, role-based access controls, webhooks, and many other team-focused features, so I highly recommend considering it.
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Using the Pulumi Service does not change which infrastructure provider you use - so you would still use Azure cloud for your infrastructure and application resources.
@billions-mechanic-26704 yeah, you still use Azure, like Cameron says, but managing the state file yourself means you buy yourself a lot of problems you don't need to have
@colossal-room-15708 can you explain me when you says
you buy yourself a lot of problems
I mean, If I store the state in some cloud service like azure storage ... An also I have another question If I decide use app.pulumi.com , it means that the company should to pay for use it?. It wouldn't personal use ....
It means that you now have to figure out how to deploy the storage account (outside of pulumi), control access to the storage account, secure the state file, back it up and all the other things that come with this.
@gentle-diamond-70147 what do you mean "not support state locking"? You mean the pulumi provider doesn't lock the file? Because Azure Blobs certainly support locking. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob
@colossal-room-15708 per the original PR, I think locking is not currently implemented. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/2455
okay, the pulumi provider doesn't. I understand. I might take a look at that.
@billions-mechanic-26704 we have a community edition that's free for individuals and team editions for companies that want to use Pulumi across multiple team members. more details are at https://www.pulumi.com/pricing/
@billions-mechanic-26704 Another thing of note is that there is a task for Azure DevOps which will manage running Pulumi without additional shell scripting and such.
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Oh, @gentle-diamond-70147 already said that. Doh!