I would like to deploy a simply postgreSQL in Azur...
# general
I would like to deploy a simply postgreSQL in Azure, but the login failed. Anybody got an idea?
Copy code
const testPostgresServer = new azure.postgresql.Server("testserver", {
    administratorLogin: "USER",
    administratorLoginPassword: "PASS",
    location: config.location,
    name: `${config.prefix}-postgresql-01`,
    resourceGroupName: config.resourceGroup.name,
    sku: {
        capacity: 1,
        family: "Gen5",
        name: "B_Gen5_1",
        tier: "Basic",
    sslEnforcement: "Enabled",
    storageProfile: {
        backupRetentionDays: 7,
        geoRedundantBackup: "Disabled",
        storageMb: 5120,
    version: "9.5",

const testConfiguration = new azure.postgresql.Configuration("testconf", {
    name: "backslash_quote",
    resourceGroupName: config.resourceGroup.name,
    serverName: testPostgresServer.name,
    value: "on",

const testDatabase = new azure.postgresql.Database("testdb", {
    charset: "UTF8",
    collation: "English_United States.1252",
    name: "exampledb",
    resourceGroupName: config.resourceGroup.name,
    serverName: testPostgresServer.name,
Thanks 🙂