Hi, I'm trying to create Pulumi Node.js program in...
# general
Hi, I'm trying to create Pulumi Node.js program in TypeScript to provision AWS services to multiple regions in one go, using @pulumi/awsx; Iā€™m having trouble understanding what Iā€™m doing wrong while trying to create VPCs in a loop. The regions get mixed while the program tries to create route tables and subnets, like this:
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aws:ec2:RouteTable (vpc-test-us-east-2-private-0):
    error: Plan apply failed: Error creating route table: InvalidVpcID.NotFound: The vpc ID 'vpc-03f05ae1180c62fd2' does not exist
Can you elaborate on the issue? When you say "the regions get mixed" do you mean Pulumi deploys resources to incorrect regions?
subcomponents of the VPC's are somehow bound to the configured aws:region instead of in the region of the provider that I create using
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let provider = new aws.Provider(`provider${commonSuffix}`, { region: region } );
I see, and yea, I'm able to reproduce this with your code. Trying to reproduce it with a different app...
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It's a bug. I've opened https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-awsx/issues/314 to track it.
Thank you
Looks like @lemon-spoon-91807 already fixed this in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-awsx/pull/316, yay! šŸŽ‰ @bitter-oil-46081 @lemon-spoon-91807 when will a new release be cut?
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Preferably after tomorrow šŸ™‚
i'd like to not cut anything for the next 24 hours