Hello guys! Pulumi looks really interesting! I nee...
# general
Hello guys! Pulumi looks really interesting! I need some simpler example to get started, something like create Droplet, upload some node.js app to it and execute npm install & npm run start on that Droplet, can also be for Linode
Hey @thankful-lamp-48382 so pulumi doesn't support "provisioners" by default but you would be able to create your own on them using this tutorial that extends the Custom Resource
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There are providers like this one for Linode: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-linode Here's an example of using the provider to spin up a simple JS webserver: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/linode-js-webserver Note you'd want to have linode-cli installed to execute the SSH command: https://www.linode.com/docs/platform/api/using-the-linode-cli/
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Ok, thanks my friends, I think I will be able to understand and use it now 🙂
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