Just an idea to the channel owners... should we ma...
# general
Just an idea to the channel owners... should we maybe start splitting providers into their own channels? #general is getting really noisy and lots of messages drown in the noise (@white-balloon-205?)
Yes - I think we are getting to the point now where we will want to do this. We've avoided it a bit so far as many/most topics are fairly cross-cutting. For example, most of the discussions in #typescript and #python have in practice not really been unique to those languages. Also - in practice questions have been more likely to be answered in #general than in those more specific channels just because more folks are reading #general. That said - I expect we should go ahead and do this to spread out the traffic a bit. Feedback on what new channels would be useful - is this the right set to add right now? - #aws - #azure - #gcp - #kubernetes
I get what you're saying, and tend to agree that most people are in #general , but it's also very un-slacky to post in #general 😉 I think those channels that you mentioned would be a great start.
In other slacks I've seen #general be renamed to #announcements and a new "general" was created. That way people join into #announcements and then go and find the "correct" channel to ask a question.
I'll admit I've seen a wide mix of styles here - but have generally seen Slacks with a vibrant #general normally invite less fragmentation early on. Certainly this doesn't scale indefinitely, and we'll need to start breaking off more channels. But I'd hate to silo off parts of the Pulumi community too quickly into separate Slack bubbles.
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