Not sure if I found a bug or if I’m doing somethin...
# general
Not sure if I found a bug or if I’m doing something wrong.
error: Plan apply failed: deleting urn:pulumi:production::rsin-provider::aws:iam/policy:Policy::rsin-provider: Error deleting IAM policy arn:aws:iam::137361304112:policy/production-rsin-provider: DeleteConflict: Cannot delete a policy attached to entities.
This occurs both in destroy and up.
I renamed a policy that is attached already.
The entity attached is managed by Pulumi?
I was able to get passed this by removing the resource from the stack and reimporting it.
I simply removed the resource by hand.
But this should definitely not be required
Do you have a small bit of code that reproduces this? I can look into it more.
I’m not sure exactly how to reproduce it again. I’ll leave this be unless I run into it once more.