Regarding reusability: I’m wanting to build a reu...
# general
Regarding reusability: I’m wanting to build a reusable library of sensible defaults for the various teams in my org, such as account number, default tags, etc. If I define these in stacks, will they be available/reusable when imported into another project?
Yes, if you define them in stacks you can use the outputs in other stacks with
. There’s an example of this at
Thanks, I’ll see if that works for us.
We’re wanting to share our default library(-ies) via nexus. We’re wanting to move away from a global infra repository.
If they’re truly just constants and defaults, you could just publish them as a library (into nexus) and use them as an import into your pulumi application.
They wouldn’t need to be a separate stack.
But as a stack you’d get better control over sensitive values and role based access control features from our service.
I’m not sure I follow. It looks like the company and department are separate stacks with outputs.
Yes, that's how it's implemented in that example.
As a library you would just do
import * as gc3 from "@yourco/gc3-defaults"
as an example.
👍 1
Thanks, that’s the concept. I’ve just been exploring core Pulumi concepts to avoid reinventing the wheel.
functionality will definitely be helpful, too.
@gentle-diamond-70147 When using
is it limited to the user’s account and organizations? Is it cross org capable? Thanks!
Cross org capable as long as the user executing pulumi has appropriate access to all the orgs/stacks.
👍 1