hey all, is anyone using pulumi and azure devops r...
# general
hey all, is anyone using pulumi and azure devops release pipelines together? I have some questions if so and you want to help a man out! 😃
@clever-sunset-76585 is your man here
There are a bunch of custom tasks for it but I’ve not personally tried wiring it all up
He’s in Seattle though so may be a little while
Cheers. Currently reading through this https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/cd-azure-devops/
ok read that, my main question is how does it cope with rollbacks
for example you run the build script, you have your artifacts, you tell pulumi to create a lambda based on the artifacts, then 24hours later you realise you need to roll back to the previous release which obviously to change the lambdas etc etc
i know azure devops has the release pipelines feature and just wondered if that would be of use and how it all works
Hi Jonathan! Yes, if you want to do a rollback, release pipelines would be the best. To be more specific, you could use an older build artifact to create a new release. How you create the artifact is a bit more specific to how you have structured your app. To Pulumi when deploying a lambda it only knows the current state, so if you were to re-deploy an older version of your lambda, we should pick-up the diff automatically. Of course, when you have other core infrastructure updates (for example, pricing tier change for a service, scaling settings etc.) combined with lambda code changes, it’ll be a bit tricky to rollback both. You should try and create artifacts based on what sort of rollback strategy you would like to have. Note that the Pulumi Task Extension can be used with Release Pipelines as well. Also, I am curious, when you say “lambda”, are you deploying AWS lambda functions using Az DevOps or are you referring to Az Functions.
I’d also argue that there is no such thing as a rollback, and you always roll forward 😉
👍 1
Yup, we’re using AzDevops to deploy AWS infra via pulumi
Ah interesting. The Pulumi Task Extension currently supports deploying to Azure. Let me know if you need any help with release pipelines. I would be happy to talk to you about how I use it for my own project, although I deploy something to Azure.
thanks, hoping to have it all done tomorrow