Deleting everything now fails with ` dial tcp: loo...
# general
Deleting everything now fails with
dial tcp: lookup <|>: no such host
So - having to replace the cluster if you make significant network topology changes is expected.
gets stuck since it cant delete the resources for the now deleted cluster
This on the other hand isnt.
Deleting everything now fails with
dial tcp: lookup <|>: no such host
Nor is this.
Can you recall the exact set of steps you took and at which steps you saw failures? I am wondering if this is a symptom of
Ah yes, that looks like a likely root cause
For this in particuar:
Deleting everything now fails with
dial tcp: lookup <|>: no such host
It sounds like you have managed to delete your cluster without deleting the Kubernetes resources installed in it. That should not be possible, but I believe due to 2948 above it could be if you had otehr failures previously.
That sounds about right
In this case - the easiest remedy for now is to
pulumi stack export > stack.json
and then remove all of the Kubernetes resources that no longer really exist, then
pulumi stack import < stack.json
Alternativey - use
pulumi state delete "<resource URN>"
on each Kubernetes resource URN to avoid having to manually edit the state file.
Ah, the second one sounds a bit nicer
Okay, thanks